Re-Edit Blog: Finishing the Film
After getting back all the footage from the refilm it was time to reedit. This would be difficult as I have to make the new scenes flow with the old ones. I first started by reviewing all of the footage, new and old. I wanted to see what would fit in well. I then laid out the scenes on the timeline, replacing or extending the existing sequences as required. The biggest bit of feedback was to get better pacing for the film. This was difficult to juggle with the time limit being so low on the film. I tested out different cuts and adjusted to help make everything flow smoother and make more sense narratively. I continually watched back the film as if I was the audience to see if everything looked good and made sense together. Another very difficult part of this process was getting the old scenes to look the same as the new scenes. With them being filmed on separate days and times there was a visual difference in light and color. To fix this issue I spent time color grading the f...