Music Blog: Picking Out the Music for the Film

 Before I wanted to make any decisions on what needed to be changed I need to pick out music first. In anticipation of this I went and researched. I looked at many other opening titles and what music they had. It varied based on the genre and most music in the genre of thriller had suspenseful music. With this in mind I had a basis of what I wanted the background music to sound like. At first I went through my Spotify playlist to see if anything would match well. I ended up finding 3 or 4 songs that I really liked and thought would fit in. Afterwards though, I realized all of these options weren't copyright free. I went to my teacher to ask if I could still use them. She answered that I needed to get permission from whoever owned the rights to the song first. This would take far too long as I need to finish this video in around a month. Now I was back to square one. After asking around one of my friends offered to write and play a song for my group to use. This sounded perfect as I could customize and change it directly to match the film. Sadly, as I was communicating with that friend about the project they got busy and disinterested and backed out. Eventually I just gave up and resorted to YouTube. I looked up "copyright free suspenseful background music". I ended up finding a massive playlist with many examples. After scrolling through I found one that sounded perfect. I downloaded the file using YouTube to MP3 and added it into the project. 

(This image shows the popular site, YouTube, where I found the music for my film.)


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