Filming Blog: Going to the Abandoned Ice Rink

Before going to film there were several things that needed to happen before we could go. First, we needed to bring supplies and proper clothing. This includes flashlights, cameras, and dark clothing. Once all of these were gathered we set a date and asked to see who could go. Two members of our original group, Gabe and Ayannah, and a few of my friends, had to cancel as the plans did not work for them. With the group lowering in size we had to make a few adjustments to our original script. After these changes were made we were ready for filming. On Saturday everyone arrived at the rink and we headed over to begin. The first thing we did was write our names in various locations out of fake blood for titles. We then went around and used a retro camcorder to take pictures of each of our names to incorporate them into the film. Next, we began filming the opening scene. This consisted of our group walking up towards the ice rink and making commentary in order to give some context of where we were. Afterwards we filmed a quick scene at the entrance of the rink explaining that the groups were splitting up. The next scene had two characters in a point of view shot walking up to the rental skate room. We had some difficulty getting this shot and had to reshoot in several times but finally got it. For the scene after that we moved to the other side of the ice rink to show the other group, establishing that they were separated. The two characters away on the other side of the room then scream which prompts dialogue and results in the main character, Nathaly, to go check if they're okay. Then I filmed an over the shoulder shot of her turning around and noticing the killer behind her. For the final scene I filmed her running away from him and eventually falling and pleading with him. This is where the film is meant to end so we quickly left the rink and went to eat food. 

       (This image shows a water tower in front of the entrance to the rink.)


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