
 While working on this project I learned how to use a few new pieces of technology. The first thing I learned how to use is blogger. I was able to create a blogger and make my own custom URL. After doing that I learned how to create a post. While going into making a post I had to figure out how to upload pictures into my posts with the import tool. Finally, I had to learn how to embed a video into my blog. I also was taught on how to use editing software like Capcut.

To put this project together I had 2 weeks to finish it. While working on the project I learned how to split up a big project into smaller parts. When working on the project I divided the work into pictures, videos, music, and editing. On the first few days I gave myself time to find pictures that worked well with the project. On the second half of the first week I found videos. Then, on the first half of the second week I got my music options. Finally, With the last few days I put the entire project together. Dividing up the work gave me a lot of time for all the small parts of the project and made it a lot less stressful. 

Next time I begin to work on an editing project there are a few things I could do better. One part that I feel was lacking was my usage of transitions. I basically randomly used transitions and they didn't feel very fluid with the rest of the video. Something else I can work on is transitioning songs. While I don't believe that I did a bad job in fading the two songs into each other, I feel it could've been done a lot better. The last issue I had with my final result was I wish I added more details to it. The only thing I had in the video was text saying the theme of the next part but I believe the video would make more sense if I added something to explain what was going on in each part. 


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