Production Blog: Finding the Location

While in the planning of this film several ideas came up. After several hours of bouncing ideas off my group I picked one. I wanted to film inside somewhere abandoned. Now, finding an abandoned place to film isn't simple. I started doing research. Several website came up in this search. The one I started on was It had a variety of places to pick from. I showed my team and we went over the options together. A couple of the places listed piqued our interest. After doing further research on one place we liked a lot, an abandoned theater, it turned out to have already been torn down. As I continued to look through the website the same issue seemed to be shown on the rest of the places. Another place on the website did look interesting as it was an abandoned missile silo. Although, after doing additional research it seemed to be fairly dangerous and very illegal. The next place I searched was reddit. There were several posts about abandoned places but not many details as to where they were. After a few more hours of searching I gave up with using the internet. Instead I turned to my friends to see if they had any suggestions. Luckily, a close friend of mine knew of an abandoned ice rink that was nearby. I sent the information to my team and we were all very excited to have that as our filming site. 

(Logo of the first website I searched on.)


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