Production Blog: Finishing the Project

Now that I had all the videos and audios in place I could finally put it together to finish the project. To begin editing I started with the opening scene. I had three separate videos to choose from as I had Ayannah film multiple just in case. After putting all three down I decided on the last version of it that she filmed. I then put the video file into the project and cut it down till it made sense in the context of the video. Once that part was done I got the text messages that were sent and also put them into the video. I overlaid them on top of the video to show what Ayannah was doing on her phone in the opening scene. Now, the order for where the activities would be in the video wasn't determined yet so I tried different combinations to see which one looked the best. In the end I decided on ice cream, arcade, eating, and then the walking away scene. For the ice cream scene I had several angles and takes to work with so I had many choices to make. I also wanted to cut the videos so that every time it would move to a new video a new chord would play in the song to make it feel smoother. I also had to make sure I didn't spend too much time on one thing as the video could only be 1:15 long. Once I finished with the ice cream scene I moved on to the arcade. This scene was significantly harder to edit as we had a total of 5 minutes of footage that could be used. After going through and adding several videos to the project I cut out 5 different takes to make sure I didn't go over the time limit. For the last activity it was very easy to put in to the video. We only had 2 takes from the dinner scene and they fit into the video well so I didn't spend a lot of time doing that. Finally to finish this scene I added in the tracking shot and the POV shot of Ayannah walking home. In the end I decided that the original closing scene for the project didn't fit well so I wanted to make the video fade out on the POV shot instead. After looking up a quick tutorial on how to make the video fade out, I edited that in and was finally done with the project. All I had to do from here was upload it to youtube and embed it into a different blog post. 


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