Research for the Music Video

 Hello viewers! This is a research blog on camera techniques used by other directors. By analyzing the techniques that were chosen, the music video that is soon to be created will be great. The music video is coming soon, so stay tuned!

 Take me out-Franz Fernidand

Cams: Dutch, Pan, and eye level.

Editing: Fade out, action match

Sound:  Non-Diegetic Cues

Mis en Scene: Instruments, low lighting, tapping and moving to rhythm of instruments, black eye liner, and animated imagery set.

Someday-The Strokes

Cams: three shot, Pan, two shot, and Medium close up.

Editing: Dissolve

Sound: Diegetic Cues

Mis en Scene: Arcade set, family feud set with sub host, hangout/party clothing, instruments, and bar set up.


Cams: Wide shot, medium shot, eye level.

Editing: Fade out, action match

Sound: Diegetic Cues

Mis en Scene: Instruments, animated imagery set, and casual clothing.


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