Production Blog: The Process of Creating the Storyboard

 For the next part of the music video my group and I had to create a storyboard. For the first step of this process, we had to pick someone to draw the images. Going one by one through the group helped us decide. Starting with Stanley, he was completely against drawing as he wasn't good at it. Moving past him I decided that I was in a similar position as him and would only do it if no one else is willing to. Then, I asked Ayannah. She said she was willing to do it but was a bit reluctant. Finally, I asked Nathaly who agreed to be the artist for the storyboard.  Once I had my artist picked out, I went back and forth with her to get the drawings accurate to the actual story. For the first frame I had her draw a picture of our actor waking up. In the next frame I told her to have an image of the actor receiving a text. Then for the next couple of frames I helped her visualize the three activities that the friends would do in the video. For the first one it was an image of the group sitting around a round table eating ice cream. On the next one I had her draw a picture of the group huddled around an arcade game. On the final slide for the activities, it showed the actor by themselves in a movie theater. Then to end the storyboard I had her draw an image of the actor falling asleep. On the last slide it shows the actor receiving texts from the friend group giving false promises. Once the images were drawn the storyboard was sent to the group chat to be approved by the full group. After it was approved we finally submitted it. 

(This image shows the completed storyboard.)


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