Production Blog: Beginning Stages of Making the Music Video

After a song had been decided for the music video I wanted to label out an outline for the story of the video. When I got home from school I sat down and started writing. My group had already said that the song gave them a vibe of a "group trip" so I started with that idea. Once I listened to the song several times I realized that there was a sad connotation to the song. With both the group trip and sad message in mind I began to write out a story. I wanted the story to be about a group of friends leaving one of the friends behind. While writing the opening scene I had in my original draft the main character would receive a text about being uninvited. Then, in the next scene the main character runs outside and sees the group of friends driving away. The rest of the video, until the final scene, I wanted to be filmed as a split screen to show the comparison between the friend groups day and the solo friends day. I thought that showing a direct comparison would add a lot more impact and emotion to the project. During the portion that is a split screen I wanted them to do 3 different activities. For the first activity it would show the group getting ice cream, laughing, having fun etc. Meanwhile you will also see the friend that was left behind on screen, eating ice cream alone. In the next activity the friend group will be surrounding an arcade game and cheering on the friend that is playing. The friend that's by themselves will be just playing on their own. Finally, the friend group will be shown in a movie theater talking amongst themselves as a movie plays. At the same time the solo friend will be watching a serious movie and have a blank expression on their face. After all of the activities end the final shot will show the main character receiving a text from the group. The text will be something along the lines of "sorry you couldn't make it, we'll see you next time." Then, the main character will sigh and just lay in bed and go to sleep. Once I had the outline written out I went to my group to see what they thought of it. Generally, the group liked what I had written and made some small adjustments to make the message clearer. 

(This image shows the note document where I wrote the original draft for the music video.)


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