Introduction Blog

 Hello, my name is Benjamin Shanker and this is my blog. On this post I'll be going over general information about me. Where I go and went to school, my hobbies, my sports, and what I want to eventual be when I'm older. I am currently a 10th grader and attend Fort Lauderdale High School. At FLHS I am a part of the law program and take Cambridge courses. I first was attracted to this FLHS because I heard that it has a very prestigious law magnet. Ever since I was little I would read novels about lawyers and the law, my favorite was Theodore Boone by John Grisham, and ever since then I've wanted to become a lawyer. Now that I started attending FLHS I decided to do the Cambridge program on top of the law magnet so I can hopefully go to either FSU or UF using a Bright Futures scholarship. Before I attended FLHS I was homeschooled for several years. While being homeschooled I got ahead of the average student which is the reason I was able to get in to the law program. The only time I have done in person school, before FLHS, was first and second grade, when I attended Hollywood Academy of Arts and Science. Now, a little more about me personally. Currently my most significant hobby/interest is hockey. I love both playing hockey and watching professional hockey. I am a very big Florida Panthers fan and I'm a season ticket holder. I try to go and see as many games in person as possible but settle for watching them on TV when I can't. Right now, I play in an in-house hockey league and have been for the past 9 months. Currently I'm definitely not the best player on the ice but I hope to improve a lot over the next year. Before playing hockey I played American football, and gymnastics. Football only took up a small portion of my life as I only played for about a year due to an injury, but gymnastics I was very serious about. I started gymnastics when I was 5 and did it till I was 11 or 12. After doing gymnastics for a while I got to level 7 and had been doing it competitively for several years. In 2016 I was the state champion in vault for my age and level. Although I liked gymnastics for several years I eventually got bored of it and a few years after that I've found a sport I love doing and am happy to play. Some other interests of mine include reading, running, and learning about marketing. My backup plan if being a lawyer doesn't work out is to go into marketing as I'm almost as interested in marketing as I am with law. Thank you for reading my blog post and I'll have more in store in the future, goodbye!

(This is an image of me celebrating with my team after a 7-3 win)


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