Title Research: Get Out

 What are the Titles displayed in the Opening 

- Company / Production studio 

- Association with Other Productions

- Director 

- Film Makers

- Music Production

- Writer Production

- Costume Production

- Edited Production

- Production Designer

What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? 

 - At the start, we are taken to a night with a turned-on car. Then a quick jump to a sunline light forest. That went on for a decent bit. then we are shown the home of what is to think is the main character inside his home. Although they didn't prioritize at face value. they being of a sense of uneasiness when watching the opening.

How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the 

- It is always dark and or, nearly quite never a seems of home. Forest to dimly light street you never know what is going on or what's about to happen. and for the most part, everything seems normal and nothing seems like it's going to jump out and take your head off. but the picture they are making it doesn't seem out of the realm of possible 


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