Production Blog: Getting Videos

In my last blog I found all of the pictures I'm going to need for this project. Now, the obvious next step for me is to find some videos. Finding videos is going to be a bit harder as I have less selection to choose from. Before I start searching I want to get a general outline of what videos I want to use for this project. After thinking for a bit I decided a video of me playing hockey, and a video of me doing gymnastics. For both of these I don't have a higher number of options or places to look so I started by going to my social media. On Instagram I like to post videos of me playing hockey so that was a good place to start. After looking through a few posts I narrowed it down to 3 videos. The first video shows me doing a no-look pass behind me which resulted in a goal. The second video shows me getting the puck in front of the net and passing it to my teammate with 7 seconds left causing my team to get a goal and the game ending in a tie instead of a loss. The final video has me body checking a player on the opposing team. After considering the options I ultimately decided to pick the second video. My main concern with using these videos is most of them are several months old and don't reflect my current play style. Nonetheless using a video of me playing hockey still fits the need of the project well. Now, I wanted to see if I could find any hockey videos that are possibly more recent or better than the one I selected. So, I messaged a few of my friend who have been to some of my games to see if they had any videos. After waiting a bit they collectively sent me 5 videos, but most showed me either siting idly or messing up in some way so I decided to keep the video I already had selected. Now, I needed to find a video of me doing gymnastics. This was a lot more challenging than finding a video for hockey as I haven't done gymnastics in over 7 years. I messaged both of my parents to see if they had any videos from when I played. As of writing this blog I still don't have a video but I hope to have one before next week so I can get started on editing. 
(This image is a still frame from the video I will use for the project.)


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